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How do I integrate an AirParfum into a POS?

AirParfum is designed to be seamlessly integrated into your space designs and aesthetics. Each reference has its own product sheet information with all the integration details, including specific dimensions, margins and ergonomic recommendations. We also provide DWG files to integrate the device into your technical drawings directly.

If you don’t have any specific design, you can always use our standard designs and choose among a lot of different finishings. If you choose to do so, we will ship the device already fit into the furniture (plug & play).

How many perfumes you can fit in an AirParfum?

Standard devices range from 5 to 80 fragrances. According to your space constraints, you can choose either one of our Modular references or a Rack reference.

What kind of cartridges are installed in an AirParfum?

AirParfum uses cartridges called Kodomizers. These consumables contain the same juice you would find in a tester or a regular sale product. No additives, concentrates or boiling processes. We take care of the assembling process and monitor remotely the consumption of each fragrance, so you will never run out of fragrance. The replenishment process is also automatised. The installation of Kodomizers painless, fast and does not require any technical knowledge. Using our  step by step app this process can be done autonomously.

Can I add or update fragrances?

The catalogue defined in the device is set centrally, and cannot be changed in the POS.

If there are slots available we could update the catalogue remotely so the new position is available.  If there are no available slots, we can plan a module change, that would replace 5 slots by new ones.

Can AirParfum mix different fragrances?

Yes, AirParfum can layer two fragrances at a given percentage using our API.

The process is completely safe as air emitted is purified air. In addition, fragrances can also be smelled wearing a facemask.

Can the diffuser power be adjusted?

Even though it may seem counterintuitive, the more air flow the less smell perceived.

The default settings are the values set after lab analysis and should work for all fragrances.

However, using our API, you could slightly fine-tune the air flow.

What are the connectivity requirements at the Point Of Sales?

In order to provide proper service, perform upgrades an gather usage statistics, each AirParfum has to be connected either by using a LTE connectivity (plugging a SIM card in the slot available), or connecting the device to a private WiFi.

What device can I connect to an AirParfum?

AirParfum is designed to work with virtually any hardware you connect to. Think of it as plugging a printer.

You can use computers with several screens, tablets, phones, controllers… Connectivity wise, AirParfum can use RJ45 cable (LAN cable), WiFi, Bluetooth and USB c.  Doesn’t matter if you want to build a minimalistic sensorial experience or an immersive one, possibilities are endless.

Is there any contamination?

Each fragrance has its own isolated circuit to avoid any contamination between perfumes.

In addition, we lab tested the particles emitted in the air through the diffuser and there is no contamination in the atmosphere neither. After 2-3 seconds the fragrance completely disappears.

Does the AirParfum use any kind of gas in the process?

No, AirParfum just uses air. The source is the original perfume, no transformations or additional blends occur during the process.